Monday, May 12, 2008

the weekend.

it was a good weekend overall: i left work early on friday (i’ll share a few details about why tomorrow or wednesday, if you don’t already know); visited ex-roomie, fellow blogger and friend extraordinaire mel on saturday morning; attended two dear friends’ master’s graduation and saw some of my favorite people in the whole wide world; had a yummy dinner at one of my favorite college haunts; and spent sunday at home with my mom and the rest of the local fam, which was nice and relaxing – exactly what mother’s day should be. my plate doesn’t look too full for the rest of the week, either, which should be a nice break, although i may be eating my words come wednesday or thursday.

anyway, i’ve been reading copy all day at work and i’m totally word-ed out, which is why it’s fitting that i leave you with these images of cul de sac’s newest collection (via d*s). i need these, you guys. seriously. see you tomorrow.

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