Friday, March 9, 2012

what are you doing this weekend?

what's the old saying about march? it comes in like a lion?

i spent more than one night this week laying in bed way past my bedtime thinking big thoughts about relationships and career and the future. in fact, i fell asleep with the light on several nights in a row and woke up, bleary-eyed, hours later, to find that the thoughts were still swirling, almost as if i'd never gone to sleep.

but sometimes you need that kind of introspection, even if the circumstances that brought you to it weren't the most pleasant, and when you finally untangle -- or, i guess, in this case, begin to untangle -- the issues, there is a certain sense of peace that comes with it.

and there were fun, less-serious punctuation marks to this week, as well: john mayer's new single, "shadow days," was released on tuesday and the timing could not have been better. (laugh if you want, but you can read about my decade-long love affair with mayer right here.) i made a perfect loaf of bread and some delicious pea soup. i'm heading to a really fun downtown event -- chillounge night -- with friends on saturday. and the rest of the time, i plan on exercising, sleeping, spending time with the fluffs and getting organized for next week, which is actually a short one for me (more on that in a few days).

oh! and in case you'd like to read them, here are my travel-themed guest blogs from this week on wouldn't stop if i could (thanks again to kim for having me!):
so that was my week and those are my plans for the weekend -- i'd love to know how things are going for you, too. let me know, and i'll see you back here on monday.

photos: the floor of florist nicolette camille's studio, photographed by odette, spotted on all the mountains. these photos have stuck with me since i first saw them on sunday night; aren't they gorgeous? (p.s. nicolette's apartment.)

1 comment:

  1. That is a big week for you, Megan. Definitely lionish! I love these photographs - how beautiful. I hope you're weekend is peaceful, and I'm off to look at your travel posts. So cool.
