Tuesday, July 29, 2008

hot child in the city.

it's hot, you guys. the dog days of summer are certainly here, and in southwest florida that means 90-plus degree temperatures (with a heat index of, like, 100) and heavy rain every afternoon. translation: hot and sticky. i got home from work this afternoon after a very pleasant excursion to the ringling museum and laid on my bed in front of the air conditioner for a good 45 minutes.

luckily, it's summer and things in general are slower, so i can indulge in 45-minute veg-out sessions and not feel as guilty about it as i would in the fall and, say, i was running late to an event or a cocktail party. and when i think of the slow, sun-drenched pace of june, july and august, my head is filled with images like these alberto seveso paintings. they make me feel like i'm in a pool looking up at a beautiful sunny sky, or on the beach gazing at a sparkling horizon at dusk. i love the washes of color and would kill to own one of these myself. perfection.

(images by alberto seveso; discovered via the always inspiring oh joy!)

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