Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Martha Stewart's fields of peonies.

This is such a cliche, but peonies are 100 percent, without a doubt my favorite flowers. They are just so incredibly beautiful, and I'm always giddy when I see them in local markets. (If you're in Sarasota, you can still find them at Whole Foods.)

Sadly, they don't grow well here, so it's always fun for me to look at them in nature, and I just want to stare at these photos from Martha Stewart's peony fields all day long. Between the pink and white and fuchsia flowers, the fog and the gorgeous morning light, the images are like a breath of fresh air, yes?

P.S. Long Winter Farm makes a fantastic peony-scented roll-on perfume that's a little too strong for everyday wear but that I love regardless. And LWF's honeysuckle and orange blossom perfumes are amazing, too. (They also have a scent called "Unicorn Farts," which makes me laugh. Oh, and the roll-ons are $9 a pop. Total steal.)

P.P.S. That time I met Martha.


  1. You are effing kidding me, Martha Stewart. AND WTF you met her? I've heard her memoir is amazzzzing. Have you read it?

    Making a mental note to photo the sh*t out of our peonies at the lake house when I'm back there later this month. I always steal a huge bouquet to take home!

    <3 eileen

    1. No, I have not read Martha's memoir but now I feel that I must--thanks for the heads-up about it.

      I can't wait to see your peony photographs! Yay for flowers. :)

  2. I can't believe you met Martha! This makes me question what I'm doing with my life. When I was researching jobs earlier this year I definitely considered applying for the unpaid (or tiny transportation stipend, can't remember) internships at MS Living. Forget the fact that I have no desire to live in NY, no free housing prospects, etc...I just want to be Martha Jr. Your job sounds like a blast!

    Jaybird Blog

    1. Ha, so funny! I would love to work for Living--or, hell, any part of MSO--someday, but yeah, my desire to live in NYC has kind of passed. Love me some Martha. She really is an inspiration! And when I met her she was nice and funny and not exactly warm, but not nearly as cold as people have said she can be.
