Thursday, February 2, 2012

a little update.

remember my goal to not complain this week?

that was a really good bullet point to add to the weekly list. while i know i haven't managed to stop entirely (a few complaints have definitely slipped out), i have really been thinking about what i'm going to say before i actually say it, and that in and of itself is kind of amazing.

case in point: yesterday i was driving home from work and an elderly man with a thatch of white hair in a huge buick was trying to make a left-hand turn from the middle lane of the road (not the designated left-hand-turn lane). i'll be the first to admit that i tend to have a wee bit of road rage, and normally i would have been sighing up a storm and making faces and and wondering why i had to get stuck behind this other driver. but instead i just kind of cocked my head and thought, "you're not supposed to be complaining!"

so i didn't.

and i arrived home in such a sunny mood. removing the option to complain totally kept closed the window of negativity that could easily have opened had i done it. i realize that it sounds cheesy and new age-y and silly (and my friend kate, who might be reading this, is probably saying something about how i live on a marshmallow -- hi, kate!), but i think it kind of set the tone for the rest of the evening. i didn't vary my routine -- i worked out, i cooked dinner, i watched this week's episode of new girl, i talked on the phone -- but again, i think i removed some potential negativity. and i feel good about that, especially in the wake of what's been a really busy week.

how about you? how have your weeks been so far? tell me, i'd love to hear.

p.s. happy february!

photo by weloveunicorns


  1. Love this post! So happy and positive. I totally agree - sometimes a little reminder is all we need to stay focused on the stuff that matters and to let the rest of it go. Happy week!

  2. kudos dear! so lovely to catch up on your blog today!

  3. I think the only upside to me being so busy is that I don't have time (or energy) to complain :) Well done you for being so virtuous!

  4. I'm the same way! My complaints have a tendency to snowball. I can't say I was as successful as you in the no complaints department this week, but I'm trying!

    1. trying is the most important thing! :) and i was defnitely not perfect--i totally slipped several times--but just being more aware of the words coming out of my mouth is really enlightening. xoxo
