Friday, September 16, 2011

what are you doing this weekend?

happy friday, everyone!

i don't know if it's the transitioning of the season or the addition of work projects, but this week kind of flew by. not that i'm complaining; while i do feel like i could do another day's worth of work, i'm so looking forward to the weekend, which i'm hoping will include a sunset beach picnic, a trip to the ringling museum, a whole lot of sweet, sweet sleep and, at some point, some homemade pancakes.

and autumn is coming. i can feel it. it's coming slowly, but it's there. there's something different in the air this week; when i wake up in the mornings or go out at night, the temperature is cooler and summer's ever-present humidity wanes. fall -- especially those late-october and november mornings when i have to slip on a sweater and inhale the chilly air as i walk to my car -- never fails to make me feel alive, like i'm at my most fully developed as a person, and i can't wait to immerse myself in the season.

are you in full fall mode where you are? and what are your plans for the weekend? tell me, and i'll see you back here on monday!

photo by pink scarf

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