last weekend, i went to visit my parents. they still live in the house i grew up in, and no matter what's going on in my life (and lately, that's a lot), it's always a comfort to come back to something so familiar, to a place i know so well.
while there, i got to catch up with my dear friend s. we had a delicious lunch at a local restaurant (salmon for me; crab cakes for him), then got coffee and took a long walk. it was a perfect florida spring day--about 75 degrees and sunny--and we talked and laughed and snapped pictures and had a wonderful time.

i'm off now to go eat a cadbury creme egg (guilty pleasure, and so sweet it makes my teeth hurt, but so worth it!) and get myself organized for the day. have a lovely morning, my dears--and tell me, have you read any good books lately? xoxo
{ book photo via orangette; yellow tree photo by me. }
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