Wednesday, November 26, 2008

things i'm thankful for, part two: my friends.

there’s an ani difranco song called “good, bad, ugly” that goes, “strangers are exciting/their mystery never ends/but there’s nothing like looking at your own history/in the faces of your friends.” how true is that? and i think it applies to new friends as well as old ones.

since i moved to sarasota two years ago, my friends—both near and far—have become the most accurate gauge of my personal growth. they are the people i turn to when i’m sad and—better yet—the people i turn to when i’m happy. they are the people who are the most honest with me and with whom i want to be the most honest. they are talented young professionals, husbands and wives, even mothers and fathers. they consistently amaze me with their kindness and generosity, and they make me want to be a better person.

last sunday, i was sitting on the beach (yes, the beach in late november—be jealous) on siesta key with two new sarasota friends. we talked, laughed, watched the sun set, met up with two other friends, watched the drum circle form on the beach and genuinely enjoyed each other’s company. and when i left them, i was overwhelmed with this feeling of luckiness and gratitude. yes, the sap is officially dripping from my fingers as i type this, but i can’t imagine where i’d be without my friends, both old and new, who—in great part—have helped shape the quarter-century-old person that i am.

so thank you for the lyrics, ani. you’re so right.

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