see you tuesday! xx
{ photograph by martin morrell for vogue living }
since monday is labor day, i’ll see you all on tuesday with a new post (and hopefully pictures of the new stuff i plan to pick up at ikea!), but for now i’ll leave you with these funny prints from british illustrator linzie hunter’s spam one-liners series. the title is pretty self-explanatory; if you want to purchase, here’s a link to linzie’s prints on thumbtack press’ web site. bright colors and funny text – what more can you ask for? i approve!
of course, the fat september issues of any of the national (fashion) magazines are guaranteed to be even more chock-full of good reads, and marie claire is no exception. i was particularly drawn to a spread that featured neon-bright accessories; i love a saturated jewel tone, so this article was a hit with me. i picked some of my favorite groupings below – just looking at them puts me in a good mood (click to enlarge).
and speaking of the september mc, there was a great article called “nine days to glowing skin” – i think i just might follow the (very doable) steps and see what happens. of course, the story is packaged as a beauty thing; in reality, it’s more of a lifestyle thing. i’ll be sure to report back!
{ images above via marieclaire.com; photoshopped by yours truly. }
i hope you guys will tell me what your plans for the long weekend are; as of right now, mine potentially include trips to ikea and anthropologie, although the latter always proves dangerous. (i’m allowing myself to go to ikea because i have a gift card; that busig tray is calling my name!)
and speaking of anthropologie, i was clicking through its web site yesterday and found these prettily styled images. full disclosure: i’m a sucker for buttons – the kind you push and the kind you wear. when i was little, i was always asking if i could “press the button,” and i remember going to the grocery store and wanting nothing more than to play with the buttons on the cash register. (i got my fill of that when i worked as a cashier at an office supply store years later.) and clothingwise, as i got older i always found myself drawn to pretty detailing – i love a good button, whether it’s the placket of a cardigan or a detail on a shoe, so i hope you enjoy these images, too! xx.
{ all images via anthropologie. }+ i picked up this great gray dress at target on saturday and it makes me feel wonderful when i wear it. it’s got a sort of 1960s mad men vibe about it, and it’s incredibly comfortable, fits perfectly and will transition really well into the “colder” months when i decide i want to wear tights underneath. (i wore it yesterday with yellow shoes.) don’t you love when you feel good in your clothes? p.s. i should note that i originally went to target solely for cat litter and cat food. oops.
+ oscar is being especially cute lately. i mean, just look at him. adorable!
+ you might roll your eyes at me for this, but i finally put all the blogs i read every day into google reader and can i just tell you how much i’m enjoying having everything in one place? it’s the little things, really. maybe i should take a cue from my online organizing and put all of my strewn-about clothes in one place…like the closet.
+ it feels like 100 degrees outside today (no, seriously), but i am so excited about the prospect of september and fall. though i love them all, i think fall is my favorite season – and i’m even more excited this year, for some reason. remember when, in you’ve got mail, tom hanks’ character tells meg ryan that he wishes he could send her a bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils? fall always makes me feel like that.
what are you looking forward to?
{ images one and three via {this is glamorous}; second image, of oscar, by me. }
10 chikezie – three pretty forgettable performances, but he’s just so cute.
9 ramiele – the people i was with kept calling her “ram-a-lee,” which was funny; she also sang three pretty forgettable songs. also? the girl is tiny. maybe we should have been calling her “ramekin.”
8 michael johns – i loved him on the show and he was really good in person (also? hot). he sang a queen song, a bluesy dolly parton song and…something else. i sadly got distracted because the people in our row kept getting up during the song i can’t remember.
(insert break for group number promoting idol gives back here – chikezie, ramiele, michael, kristy lee and brooke sang a u2 song. it was pretty good.)
4 jason – forgot the words to “somewhere over the rainbow.” yes, i’m serious. he was a little more “with it” than he was on the show (i guess 37 tour dates kind of forces that), but still the same goofy guy. also, he has perfect teeth.
3 syesha – the reason i was so into idol this season was because syesha is actually from sarasota – in fact, i met her when she was doing her whirlwind trip home during the competition. she sounded great last night; hers was by far the stongest female voice of the evening. she sang “umbrella” (rihanna), “if i ain’t got you” (alicia keys) and “listen,” which was sung by beyonce in the movie dreamgirls. “listen” was awesome – a total show-stealer.
2 david archuleta – ok, i was not a david a. fan, but can i just tell you that he sounded awesome last night? his voice really, really soared. he sang four songs instead of three, like the others, presumably because he was the runner-up. he does need to work on his stage banter, but overall he sounded great.
1 david cook – after some really intense lighting stuff, david c. came out. he sang “hello,” the idol fan-written song, “don’t wanna miss a thing” and “billie jean,” which was awesome. i like david cook and i’m glad he won, but he is a leetle too self-aware. also, he was wearing a touch too much eye makeup. still, he looked good and sounded good and again, i was rooting for him to win the whole thing so it was pretty cool to see him live. (if he had substituted his version of “always be my baby” for the fan song, it would have been a perfect set.)
then they all performed one big group number – “please don’t stop the music” – and off we went. the concert was exactly three hours long; the idol people really have that thing perfectly planned.
in other news, yesterday was even more awesome because the present i bought myself for my birthday – a kitchenaid stand mixer in ice! – was delivered! YAY! words can’t even describe how excited i am about this thing – above is a picture. isn’t it beautiful? i love the color; i was going to get pistachio, but a lot of people have that one and there’s something so retro about this shade of blue. you better believe i will be baking up a storm this weekend; i’ll show you the fruits of my labor on monday.
i hope you all have a wonderful weekend. xx.
{ snatched the photo of syesha from a google image search; kitchenaid mixer picture taken by me! you can see my little owl from anthropologie peeking out from behind. }
anyway, i thought i’d leave you with these cute little “poladoodles” from jinnie lee and lilac moon studio. aren’t they cute? to see more of jinnie’s work, including her great stationery, click right here. (doesn't that bottom right poladoodle remind you of eric carle's the very hungry caterpillar? such a great book!)
see you tomorrow! xx.
it was right around that first burst of rain that i realized i’d left my umbrella in my car – of course, right? i spend the weekend panicking about a hurricane and then i forget my rain gear. anyway, that got me thinking about rainy-day style and how i am not one of those girls who looks effortlessly chic in rain, wind, heat or cold. i sweat; i splash through puddles; i get my clothes wet. it’s ok; i’m used to it. but i thought i’d put together a little rainy-day round-up – some cute things that i found that i’d certainly throw on if i were that effortlessly chic girl and if i was sure i wasn’t going to totally ruin them by tromping through puddles. (please note that i wouldn't put all of these things together in one outfit!)
{ image above, from top: clear umbrella from urban outfitters; floral rain boot from urban outfitters; nylon (yes, nylon!) tessuto tote by prada at neiman marcus; “rain check” body spray from gap (a throwback to my childhood – “rain” was my favorite gap scent); green-and-white rain coat from juicy couture at shopbop. click to enlarge! }
any rainy-day style tips of your own to share?
i’m also feeling a touch impatient because i’m anxiously waiting for amazon to send me a confirmation order that the VERY EXCITING thing i ordered for myself has shipped (even though i chose the free super-saver shipping option and they’re telling me it won’t go out until tuesday). and believe me, i’ll be sharing what it is when it arrives. yay!
and in a total 180 from the above paragraph, little miss pink o’clock here has suddenly realized that she’s 25 now and needs to get her finances under control (although as i type this i’m thinking about how i want to get my eyebrows waxed and that i need to pick up more face cleanser). that means more diy projects/thrifting and even more cooking at home, both of which excite me. so hopefully i’ll be upping the ante and sharing more in regards to both of those things here on the blog – especially as the holidays draw nearer. (and as an aside, can i tell you how weird it was to walk into my local drugstore the other day and see halloween items already displayed? it’s mid-august, people!)
anyway, before i head out, here are a couple of links if you’re looking for something good to read over the weekend.
+ joanna has posted a round-up of great etsy shops stocking fun vintage finds
+ anna blogged about a fantastic chinatown loft early in the week – click here to see pics. so inspiring (i’m loving the paper stars and the spool of twine).
+ this isn’t from this week, but holly posted a great “how to” on avoiding jet lag on her personal blog, haus maus, and is sharing the progress she’s making on her new german apartment right here.
+ this is just funny. oh, boys…at least hers has good taste!
+ courtney over at in(side) the loop echoes my sentiments about summer clothes in the south – take a peek at the gorgeous karen walker (remember the sunglasses i blogged about?) dresses she posted.
the problem is, before i buy new bedding i have to buy a new bed. yes, i’m 25 years old and i currently sleep in a twin bed. it’s not especially comfortable, it’s not spacious, and while it has a sort of bohemian aspect about it, it’s not really my style at all anymore. as we all know, i don’t have tons of money to throw around, so i scouted some bed and mattress options at ikea and have decided that i like the vinstra model ($199) or the aneboda model ($129 – i’m into platform beds, can you tell?). i know i should probably invest in a better-quality piece, but i’ve never had any problems with my ikea stuff and these two models are pretty much exactly what i’m looking for. oh, and, most importantly, they're not budget-crushing or humongus space-eater-uppers – i live in a tiny apartment, remember, so a gigantic sleigh-style bed really isn’t going to work for me.
anyway, when i saw grace’s post on jill sanford burrows this morning, i fell head over heels in love – my “ideal bedroom” immediately came together in my head. jill’s stuff is gorgeous; i love the saffron-colored, pebble-like shapes on the “riverbed” collection, and the “field day” pieces are calling my name like you wouldn’t believe. i really like white bedding – there’s something so luxurious, so sumptuous about it – so it’s no wonder i’m having the reaction i am to jill’s pieces. if you want to see or shop the new sanford burrows collection, click here; for grace’s commentary on design*sponge, click here.
{ left, "riverbed"; right, "field day," both by sanford burrows. sorry about my shoddy photoshopping! }
p.s. after all that talk of white bedding, i saw this bedding set in the outlet section of the yves delorme web site – it’s kind of reminiscent of that carolyn quartermaine photo, isn’t it? i think it would look great with pops of yellow.
{ images from ikea, sanford burrows and yves delorme. }
i’d actually been looking at the owl stuff on the anthropologie web site for awhile, ever since i fell in love with jinnie lee’s owl tea set after reading her fantastic interview with victoria over at sfgirlbybay. interestingly – and tell me if i’ve got this wrong – jinnie lee’s white set has to be bought in separate pieces; the teapot is $28 and the cups are $24 for two. but i ordered the gray set because the mugs supposedly come with – unless they’re sold out, but usually anthropologie is pretty clear about that. anyway, the description says “owling sake pot and cups,” so we’ll see what i get in the mail this week. i’m excited either way. and now i want the matching salt and pepper shakers.
that’s why i was so happy to see bee’s post about save a sato, an animal-rescue organization that places stray puerto rican cats and dogs in loving homes. there are thousands of abandoned animals roaming the streets in p.r., and bee’s doing her part to get the word out about how we can all help (she adopted a stray puerto rican puppy, in fact). but get this: if you leave a comment on this post on her blog, she’ll donate $10. that goes for every comment she receives, guys. it’s so easy and painless – you should definitely do it. i know i am. there’s more, so click here to read, and, like i said, leave a comment.
p.s. while you’re reading bee’s blog, a fave of mine, check out this post. hilarious.
{ photos of lola and oscar above by me. }
anyway, for more information on lush, click here. i’m hoping the company builds a store in sarasota soon – there are two in orlando, one in tampa and one in fort myers. sarasota is smack-dab in the middle of all that – come on, people, it’s a necessity!
{ images via lush.com's u.s.a. site; photoshopped by me. }
ahem. anyway.
the point of this post is that i credit nicole for my discovery of the fabulous etsy shop the black apple. run by emily martin, the black apple features emily’s original artwork, which is the perfect mix of pretty and quirky. nicole posted a photograph of her little dunces prints awhile back, and when i browsed the items emily’s sold in her etsy shop, i found many, many more to love. i’m hoping to get my hands on some prints very soon; in fact, emily’s shop, which was closed, reopens today (aug. 5), so maybe that will actually happen. my unpainted walls, i’m sure, would thank me.
{ she moves among the sparrows }
the fabulously talented jen gotch, who pens the oh-so lovely my polaroid blog, has, with her friend jaime, launched a new shop called ban.do. what are they selling, you ask? only the most gorgeous headbands ever. seriously: want. check out some of jen and jamie’s creations above, and click here to shop ban.do. i’m filing this post under the “loving” category, too, because, well, i am.
see you tomorrow! xx.
{ images via ban.do; photoshopped by moi. }
+ holy site redesigns, batman. holly and erin have completely redesigned their blogs, and they’re gorgeous. get thee to decor8blog.com and designformankind.com immediately, if you haven’t already.
+ nicole has started a series of posts about how she started her business, pink loves brown. informative and inspiring.
+ the lil bee’s tale of her adventures in miami are a must-read. seriously hilarious. i laughed out loud.
+ joy’s “feeling jute and black” post is lovely. see those sam edelman “ilsa” flats? WANT.
+ this herb salad that heidi posted looks divine, doesn’t it? and the photographs that accompany her recipes are always so beautiful. (side note: i miss my immersion blender. i must get a new one, stat.)
+ jan posted a great peek into a floating home that i would just love to live in one day. it’s a toss-up between that and a treehouse for me, really. one day…
+ and finally, i leave you with this image from the sartorialist: the perfect yellow dress.
happy weekend, my loves! some college gal pals are coming into town – we’re going to celebrate birthdays (t.’s was yesterday; mine’s next thursday), drink wine, eat yummy food and catch up on everything. hooray for girls’ weekends.