after spending a chunk of time reading old posts on writer joanna goddard’s
blog, including her “dailies” contribution on
design for mankind, i thought today i’d do a similar post that would (maybe) inspire you to share with me. i always get a thrill out of reading other people’s daily routines, so i'm going to post my own and then ask you, dear readers, to share yours. mine’s not incredibly exciting, but it’s interesting (for me, at least) to read back over my day. so, without further adieu, here's my tuesday went down.
7:30 a.m. – alarm rings for the first time. groan, roll over, jab at the “snooze” button.
7:45 a.m. – alarm goes off a second time. realize i need to get moving if i want to make it to work on time (8:30). blink at the ceiling a couple of times while my cat, oscar, climbs on top of me and gives me an eskimo kiss, then meows in my face. hi, osc.

[what i wake up to every morning.]
7:48 a.m. – start coffee maker, jump in shower.
8:00 a.m. – dry off and breathe in the smell of fresh-brewed coffee. yum. pour cup of coffee (with a little sugar and silk french vanilla creamer); make a bowl of organic oatmeal; eat in front of the tv while watching the today show.
8:10 a.m. – apply makeup while finishing cup of coffee. brush teeth. make a mad dash to the closet to find something to wear. today it’s my favorite jeans, a loose-fitting pink top and my mint-green wedges. (i’m so glad i work in a creative environment and don’t have to wear a suit or something equally formal.)
8:27 a.m. – coo good-bye to oscar and dash out the door. luckily, my office is literally three minutes away.
8:35 a.m. – sit down at my desk; read e-mail; get started on my list of things to do. today will be quiet: i’ll read a lot of copy, work on some writing projects and get some assignments for future projects.

[the work essentials: computer (i miss my mac), ap stylebook, dictionary, cell phone, pen.]
1 p.m. – home for lunch after a trip to walgreens to pick up sponges and a pitcher. fix a peanut butter sandwich, fresh raspberries and a cup of iced green tea with a little agave nectar, my favorite sweetener. check facebook; read blogs; check personal e-mail.
2 p.m. – back to work until 5:30. attend department meeting; finish projects; get new assignment; get a thrill out of crossing things off my “do list.”

[me, happy to be heading out. i just realized that my top may be slightly too low-cut for work, whoops. and i'm not sure why my teeth look so yellow, either. ah, well.]
5:30 p.m. – home. greet oscar. refill his food and water bowls. sort through mail while watching the food network. quickly read new york magazine's cover story about sarah jessica parker and the sex and the city movie.
5:55 p.m. – leave my apartment to meet my good friends k., c. and s. for dinner at downtown sarasota’s ceviche. talk, laugh, drink red sangria, eat vegetales a la parilla (grilled vegetables drizzled with olive oil) and patatas bravas (potatoes in a spicy aioli), catch up. (if i don’t go out for dinner, which is usually, i try to make myself something fresh and interesting. i just finished off the last of the pea dumplings and am looking forward to trying a new recipe this week.)
8 p.m. – home again – time for american idol! go, syesha! (i think she totally got screwed last night, by the way.) think about what’s on tv for the rest of the week – american idol results show tonight, grey’s anatomy on thursday, the office season finale (also on thursday – will watch that online on friday afternoon).
9 p.m. – work on the series of bird prints i’m replicating after seeing domino’s may cover – see yesterday’s post. play around on the internet.

[the bird drawings.]
11:30 p.m. – after reading a bit (my nightly ritual), giving oscar his medicine (three oral antibiotics and lots of petting), changing into pajamas, washing my face and applying night cream, i snuggle into bed.
now, tell me, what is your daily routine? leave a comment or link me to your own blogs! see you tomorrow.